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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Have you ever wondered how rich people are rich? How olympians become olympians? How presidents become presidents...we'll, I have the answer. It's paradigms. A paradigm is a multitude of habits. A habit is a pattern of behavior that is executed almost without conscious thought involved. Successful people have paradigms that cause them to succeed. They aren't using sheer willpower. Their motivation comes from their subconscious mind. If you aren't rich or famous right now then I want to tell you that you're very lucky to be watching this video. Because did you can change your paradigms. You can change the habits that are causing your results. And you want to have paradigms that cause the results you want. All you have to do, is ask yourself, "Am I getting the results I want?" If the answer is "no," then I am advising you to study how to change your paradigms. Because when you have the paradigms you want, you'll manifest what you want in your life without much conscious effort. You'll feel comfortable. It won't feel like a struggle. It will be easier than you think. Leave your questions or comments below. And if you want to really change your life, if you are willing to do whatever it takes, then go to my website at

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