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Thursday, March 17, 2011

What you think about, you bring about.

Think about this for a moment...what would your life be like, if you always thought about what you wanted? Start to monitor your thinking. Take note of what thoughts you think about. Notice that a lot of your thoughts are about things that are totally not what you want, such as what other people are thinking. You're thinking, "What would he think, what would she think?" You're thinking about all the negative consequences to your future actions. Thinking negatively is good sometimes. Focus on what you want. The brain becomes addicted to certain ways of behavior. You want to start making habits of doing things that help you get happier. A habit is behavior pattern. It's a set of behavior that you do almost without thinking. Do you remember when you started to drive? It was probably nerve-wracking. You had to think about how to turn the wheel and how to brake before the turn, and accelerate out of the turn. But now driving is a habit. It's a habit that produces the results you want; it gets you where you want to go. Now, what if you made new habits that brought you better results. For example, making money. What is the difference between rich people and poor people? It's habits. They don't think about getting rich. They just do it, without thinking. It's who they are.

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