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Friday, July 22, 2011

How to Blog: 10 Guidelines to Follow if You Want to Be Successful

There is more to blogging than just writing some words on a page once in awhile. There is a specific procedure to blogging that will make you successful. If success means making money, then you should follow these steps:

1. Keep your blog posts from 200 words to 300 words in length.

2. Use numbers instead of letters; for example, write 200 instead of two hundred.

3. Write blogs every day, or every other day, but post on a regular basis.

4. Write in bullet-form, instead of in paragraphs.

5. Choose titles for your blog that users are searching for, but are having a hard time finding. You want the number of user searches to be as high as possible while having the number of competing web pages to be as low as possible.

6. Blog for months or years, using the above guidlines, and you will make good money.

7. Post your blogs on sites such as, and

8. Submit your blogs to social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, etc.

9. Submit your blogs to social bookmarking sites such as,, etc.

10. Write about things you're interested in. Otherwise, you'll become bored and probably will give up after only a few days.

Photo:  Steve Pavlina, a highly successful blogger.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where Everything is Free: Downtown, Los Angeles, CA.

There is a place where you can get everything you need to succeed. And it costs no money. Come to LA and here’s what you’ll get:

Free housing: For 90 days, first in dorm room, then when you get a job or are going to school, you can get your own room.

-Free hotel voucher: 16 nights free in own room.

-Free year-long “program” which I actually wouldn’t call “free,” because you have to attend classes and get a job and save money.

Free money: $221 per month for 9 months per year.

Free food money: $176 per month which can be used at every major grocery store, many convenience stores, many Subway restaurants, and some other restaurants, including McDonald’s.

Free clothing. Free soap, shampoo, razors, etc.

Free doctor: Including, but not limited to: blood test, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, psychiatrist

Free dentist: You have to play a lottery each morning at 7. Or you can make an appointment at this other place 6 or 7 months in advance.

Free food: Hippy Kitchen, Midnight Mission, Union Mission. Various groups giving out food out of their trucks and vans on the street.

Free library: 2 hours of computer access per day, 5 days per week (if you have a laptop, you can access the wifi anywhere in the building during all hours the library is open). You can have 30 books checked out. Look up and place holds on the books you want, then they will ship them to the branch library of your choosing. I just checked out 10 books today on how to make money on the internet.

Hollywood is 7 miles away. The beach is 17 miles away. USC is 3 or 4 miles away. The sky is blue. It has rained twice in four months.

If you want to know more, such as exactly how to obtain these resources, I will update this post soon with the exact addresses and times, etc.

Note: There are so many other resources around downtown LA that I have not mentioned. Some of which I am not aware. Of the ones I am aware, I did not mention because although they cost no money, are not free in my opinion due to the non-monetary costs of obtaining them, that is, what you have to go through to obtain them is not worth it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Know Your Horse

Habits are like horses stubbornly traveling down trails. When you think about what you want, your “horse” is going to resist; your body is going to respond negatively in the form of negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, doubt, or worry. But the “secret” is that, if you remain relaxed and patient, and think about what you want as though you already have it, as though you are already experiencing it, and continue to tell yourself that this is where you’re going, that this is the person you are, that this is what you have, that this is who you’ve always been and always will be--then the “horse” will change its course—you will notice that the actions you are taking are now in agreement with what you consciously want. You’ll be doing the things you know you should do. You won’t procrastinate anymore. It’ll become easier and easier as time goes on. You’ll love yourself. You’ll be one of those people who say, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” At first, you are going to imagine yourself as the person you want to be, or you are going to temporarily act as the person you want to be, and it may feel very awkward. You may think to yourself, “This isn’t me,” or “I could never do that,” or “This is ridiculous,” or “I feel like an idiot.” But just be patient. Breathe. Soon you will be comfortable thinking how you ideally want to think, speaking how you want to speak, walking the way you want to walk, earning the amount of money you want to earn, doing the things you need to do in order to produce the results you want.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Subconscious and Neuroplasticity

Why do people smoke cigarettes even though there are pictures on each pack, of diseased lungs (in some countries)…or a person with a hole in her neck (Remember that TV commercial)?...not to mention how disgusting cigarette smoke smells. In other words, why do smart people do stupid things? Well, their behavior doesn’t have much to do with how smart they are…how smart they are is calculated by measuring the power of their conscious mind. The power of the conscious mind is insignificant compared to the subconscious. It doesn’t matter if you’re the smartest person in the world, unless you use your smarts to steer your subconscious in the direction you consciously want to go. If you’ve ever ridden a horse, then this might make sense to you…especially a horse that is used to being ridden along a well-beaten trail. The horse will automatically follow the trail, unless you yank the reins in the direction you want to go. And you’ll have to yank the reins many times; the horse will, at first, continue along the trail despite your efforts to change its course. It’s not going to be easy to forge a new trail; to teach this “old dog” new tricks. And this is how your brain is set up. Your brain cells are like trails. You can create new paths and trails of brain connections if you want to. It’s simple, but not easy. It takes time and repetition and strengthening of these neural networks. They say it takes 30 days to make a behavior a habit. But some say it may take 90 days. Whatever the actual number, my point is that you must be patient and persistent and not give up too easily. You must give it time. When changing your habits, you may feel worse before you feel better. Hang in there; your body is changing and adapting; it's like when you lift weights and you are sore for the next few days. Feel confident and at ease and assured that you, soon, will adapt to, and feel comfortable with, being the person you want to be.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is imagined and what is actually experienced. If you continue to imagine this grand vision, your subconscious mind will begin to accept it as reality. The subconscious mind can only accept information; it cannot reject. The subconscious mind is like a computer that you can program to do whatever you want it to do. It may seem hard to do at first, to program a computer, but you can learn computer programming; it just takes time and patience. It may take weeks or months to learn a programming language. And it may take weeks or months to reprogram your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can process 2 million times more information than the conscious mind, and is responsible for 90%+ of our decisionmaking. Our subconscious mind always wins in the long run. People go to the gym on January 1st, but then stop going after a few weeks. They intended to start an exercise program and follow it indefinitely. But what they were using was the conscious mind; not the subconscious. The conscious mind is incredibly weak compared with the subconscious. The subconscious always overrides the conscious. For example, why does Pepsi always win over Coke in taste tests, but people, when surveyed which brand they like better, more often say they like Coke better than Pepsi? You tell me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Relax and visualize...

If you relax and visualize what you want, and then be patient and continue to relax and give yourself time to research how to get what you want—without concluding it’s not worth the effort, or it’s not possible based on your present level of education or intelligence—then you will get what you want, in time. Your goal is like a plant that you are starting from seed…you need to give the seed time to germinate. Some seeds take weeks to germintate…and some plants that bear fruit may not bear fruit until the second year. So trust that there is a formula for achieving what you want, and that you may not presently have that formula. Trust that there is an easier way to produce the results you want. Trust that you may, instead of working harder, need to work smarter and simply be patient and wait for your “seed” to germinate your “plant” to grow. What’s more important though, is that you actually think about what you want, because that’s the first step. Think about what you want. Do not think about how. Think about what you want, then think about why. Then develop it into an elaborate vision…a dream. Make it feel real in your mind.

Achieving Goals

There is a cause to every effect. Once you know what effect you want to produce, figure out what cause or causes produce that effect. In other words, there is a formula or formulas that can be used to get you what you want. First think about what you want, then study what actions you need to take in order for you to manifest what you want. You have to make sure you think about what you want first; if you think about how to achieve what you want before you think about what you want, then you’ll give up, because you will not have a solid vision with which to guide your thinking. Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “What you do is create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture, as if it were already true.” You need a target to aim for. Your vision, or dream, or desired outcome—is your target. Keep that target in your mind at all times, and you will hit it. But most people don’t spend enough time determining what target they want to hit. They don’t have a target, really. Or they think the target they want to hit is too difficult to hit. They give up too easily.