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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Subconscious and Neuroplasticity

Why do people smoke cigarettes even though there are pictures on each pack, of diseased lungs (in some countries)…or a person with a hole in her neck (Remember that TV commercial)?...not to mention how disgusting cigarette smoke smells. In other words, why do smart people do stupid things? Well, their behavior doesn’t have much to do with how smart they are…how smart they are is calculated by measuring the power of their conscious mind. The power of the conscious mind is insignificant compared to the subconscious. It doesn’t matter if you’re the smartest person in the world, unless you use your smarts to steer your subconscious in the direction you consciously want to go. If you’ve ever ridden a horse, then this might make sense to you…especially a horse that is used to being ridden along a well-beaten trail. The horse will automatically follow the trail, unless you yank the reins in the direction you want to go. And you’ll have to yank the reins many times; the horse will, at first, continue along the trail despite your efforts to change its course. It’s not going to be easy to forge a new trail; to teach this “old dog” new tricks. And this is how your brain is set up. Your brain cells are like trails. You can create new paths and trails of brain connections if you want to. It’s simple, but not easy. It takes time and repetition and strengthening of these neural networks. They say it takes 30 days to make a behavior a habit. But some say it may take 90 days. Whatever the actual number, my point is that you must be patient and persistent and not give up too easily. You must give it time. When changing your habits, you may feel worse before you feel better. Hang in there; your body is changing and adapting; it's like when you lift weights and you are sore for the next few days. Feel confident and at ease and assured that you, soon, will adapt to, and feel comfortable with, being the person you want to be.

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